5月の営業とアーティスト・音楽家へのサポートプランにつきましてお知らせです。(up English version 5/8)










【ヴァイオリンショップ・工房】 :  月曜ー金曜日 10:00-19:00 / 土曜日 10:00-15:00

【 Hall Debussy:当面の間ホールでのイベントの開催は自粛いたします。


【 le studio ルスタジオ】 : 月曜ー日曜日 10:00-19:00 (5/31までは短縮営業とさせていただきます。)





・どのお部屋でも、営業時間内の10:00-19:00で何時間でも1h/¥500(税込) でご利用いただけます。


      Bizet 1名 / Poulenc 3名 / Ravel 4名 / Debussy 6名


           Bizet 1名 / Poulenc 2名 / Ravel 2名 / Debussy 6名


Debussy では無観客のライブ配信をご希望の場合、無料でご利用いただけます。是非お気軽にご相談ください。

          ヴァイオリン ¥3,850 / ヴィオラ ¥4,400 / チェロ ¥5,500 (税込)







以下、l'atelier by apcご利用いただくみなさまへ感染防止のための注意事項となりますので、ご一読ください。今後しばらくはこの体制でご対応をさせていただきます。



<1F&M2F ヴァイオリンショップ&工房へお越しのみなさまへ>



l'atelier by apc onlineshop






5F le studio をご利用のみなさまへ

・月・火のスタジオのお支払い受付は1F Debussyで承ります。ご利用時間前にまず1Fへお入りいただき、ご精算をお願いいたします。
 (声楽・管楽器は4m以上でお願いいたします。) 床に目印を設置いたしますので目安になさってください。


1F Debussyをご利用の方のみなさまへ





この新型コロナウイルスの収束後のことを考えて前に進んで行かなければなりません。l'atelier by apcは芸術・文化を守るため、また収束後は今までの損失を取り戻すために、アーティストや音楽家のみなさまはとても忙しくお仕事をされることと思いますので、私たちが出来るサポートを継続したいと考えています!







代表 Olivier PAOLI

Staff 一同



English Version


Dear Customers,


We have informations regarding our opening hours and Supprt Plan for Artists and Musicians!! 


1F Violin shop & M2F Atelier

operating hours stay as same as current one, but in order to prevent infections, please make a reservation.

Opening time : Mon - Fri 10:00 -19:00  / Saturday 10:00 -15:00


5F Studio

It has been changed from Monday - Sunday, 10:00- 19:00.



Here is our Support Plan. We would like to support artists and musicians with this plan as soon as possible.  

After the Coronavirus situation is resolved, we are sure that artists and musicians will be very busy working to recover the loss or to get back the normal situation, so we are determined to provide services and support with the best system.


< Support Plan for Artists and Musicians >


・Fixed fee of ¥500(tax included) per hour for our rental studios.

We limit the number of people in each studio in order to prevent infections and consider by social distance.

Also we ask the users to take distance between people by 2 meters.

Please wear a mask while playing music.


 5F --- Bizet: 1 people / Poulenc: 3 people / Ravel: 4 people

    1F --- Debussy: 6 people


Those who are not able to wear a mask like vocalists or wind instrument players are required to take a distance of 4 meters between people. Bizet shall not be available due to its limited space.  

   5F --- Bizet: 1 people / Poulenc: 2 people / Ravel: 2 people

   1F --- Debussy: 6 people

We will make the marks on the floor.


・Free support for the online lessons at the studio.


・Free support for the online delivery of the live performance without audience at the Rental Hall, Debussy.  


・Maintenance Support Plan of fixed monthly fee at the atelier.(For 2 years)

        violin ¥3,850 / viola ¥4,400 / cello ¥5,500  (tax included)


  With this Support Plan, you will be able to have bow rehairing up to 6 times a year with the fixed fee. 

  For the repair of the instrument there is no limit of times.  It is a subscription service with the moderate monthly fee.


・We are ready for the consultation regarding the maintenance payment for those who are now suffering from the shortage of income.


・We are ready for the consultation regarding the flexible payment for the purchase or selling the instrument.




 Please read the following information as a precaution to prevent infection for all customers of l'atelier by apc.

 We will support you with this system for the time being.


・ All staff serve customers with wearing a mask. We kindly ask for your wearing a mask also.

・ Please disinfect your hands with alcohol at the entrance when you visit our shop.

・ We will always take a distance of 2m between customers and staff.

・ Staff avoid to touch directly the customers when making payment.

・Piano, desks, chairs, cups and glasses for drinks, Toilets, etc…are also cleaned and disinfected frequetly.

・Door knobs, handles, iPads, and other items that come into contact with the hands will be sterilized with alcohol several times a day.



<1F & M2F Violin shop & Atelier>

・ We can accept the reservation up to 2 people at the same timing.In case the customers happen to overlap at the same timing, please let us handle the customers separately taking enough space in between.


   ・When the customers go up to the atelier on M2F,  please let us accept only one person, and others please wait sitting on the chairs on the 1F.


・If it is difficult for you to come to our shop, we will take care of shipping out the items that can be shipped. the bow rehairing is also available for shipping ♪


・ You can apply for the maintenance support plan from the online shop! 

Click here for details ↓

l'atelier by apc onlineshop




<5F le studio>

・ We accept the payment for studio payments on the 1st floor Debussy on Monday and Tuesday. Please go to the 1st floor before using and make the payment.


・ We take 30-minute intervals between the reservations for ventilation, cleaning and alcohol disinfection.


・ All customers are requested to wear a mask at all times during lessons and rehearsals.


・Please take a distance of 2m during lessons and rehearsals.

Voicals or wind instruments players, please take 4 meters. We will set a mark on the floor, so please use it as a guide.



<1F Debussy>

・ Please take a distance of at least 2m between performers.


・ We ask for all performers, organizers, customers and staff to wear masks.

   (Please note that anyone who does not wear a mask is unable to enter.)

・ We will take a break every 30 to 40 minutes to open the doors on the1st floor and M2F for ventilation.


It is our top priority to have artists and musicians recover their energy as soon as possible, and we strongly believe that it is important for artists and musicians and us to help each other. 


We must move forward thinking about the situation when things get back to normal after coronavirus disaster. In order to protect art and culture, l’atelier by apc holds a firm will to support artist and musicians with whatever we can. All what we can do is to provide opportunities and places for you to perform, and to sell string instruments and to repair and do maintenance work.


This plan is available for everyone involved in art and music.

We hope that our Plan will be of help for as many people as possible.


I look forward to seeing you again!


President Olivier PAOLI 
